Skin Cancer Clear uses Molemax® technology. The MoleMax system enables the doctor to visually compare the images from the current year against the images taken from one or more prior years, searching for changes in your individual lesions, or the development of new lesions. This offers the doctor a way to document your lesions without having to rely on memory or notes.
Doctors use a number of tools and techniques to examine skin thoroughly, beyond what the naked eye can see. Early detection is proven to assist in the treatment of melanomas. So, in addition to self-checking regularly you should have a professional skin check once a year. It is also important to get a professional skin check by a doctor if anything suspicious appears, in addition to having your annual skin check.
Why utilise a mole mapping system? The latest revision of the Melanoma Guidelines highlights good (level 2) evidence supporting the use of serial digital photography. What does this mean? In short it means that the biggest risk factor for melanoma is change in a skin lesion over time, and the best way to pick up on change in a skin lesion over time is by utilising a mole mapping system like Molemax.
Does your Skin Doctor utilise serial digital photography? If the answer is “no” then they are not utilisisng all available tools to prevent skin cancer.